ADMIN: Could you put up a poster for Freegle?
Hexoshi - Inspired By Metroid
Hexoshi (forum thread) is a libre game generally inspired by the Metroid series, notably the older versions.
It is seeking funding using CrowdSupply for a budget of at least $1100 to achieve "Milestone 1" which involves fleshing out the first world of the game, including new enemies, player abilities, and 30-40 rooms, and the graphics for it all (which seems to be the bulk of the funding requirement).
It already looks quite well done, even though it is in the early stages of development. Smooth animations, accurate and responsive movement, and fun music all make it quite a compelling game and something the FOSS game scene doesn't really have.
Hexoshi is developed by Julie Merchant, aka onpon4 on the FreeGameDev forums. It is written in Python and SGE. Julie/onpon4 also developed ReTux (forum thread) - a project that received less credit than it deserved, likely because it looked so similar to SuperTux due to re-using graphics from the classic FOSS platformer. In my opinion, ReTux is a better and more original game than SuperTux and a remarkable achievement given it was a 1 man effort with a relatively short development time. However, when the developer tried to get ambitious funding for ReTux there seemed to be little response.
This time around, Hexoshi has no such problems with potential mistaken identity. The caveat is that the graphics do not exist for Julie to pick up and use. The crowd funding effort is already on track to succeed.
It is seeking funding using CrowdSupply for a budget of at least $1100 to achieve "Milestone 1" which involves fleshing out the first world of the game, including new enemies, player abilities, and 30-40 rooms, and the graphics for it all (which seems to be the bulk of the funding requirement).
It already looks quite well done, even though it is in the early stages of development. Smooth animations, accurate and responsive movement, and fun music all make it quite a compelling game and something the FOSS game scene doesn't really have.
Hexoshi is developed by Julie Merchant, aka onpon4 on the FreeGameDev forums. It is written in Python and SGE. Julie/onpon4 also developed ReTux (forum thread) - a project that received less credit than it deserved, likely because it looked so similar to SuperTux due to re-using graphics from the classic FOSS platformer. In my opinion, ReTux is a better and more original game than SuperTux and a remarkable achievement given it was a 1 man effort with a relatively short development time. However, when the developer tried to get ambitious funding for ReTux there seemed to be little response.
This time around, Hexoshi has no such problems with potential mistaken identity. The caveat is that the graphics do not exist for Julie to pick up and use. The crowd funding effort is already on track to succeed.
This post was retrieved from freegamer.blogspot.com.
Op Compass - Game 5 Same Day, Different Fort
We are back in the Desert this week for the 5th Game in our ongoing Campaign at the start of the war. Today sees the plucky Brits led astray by a bunch of Kiwi Truck Drivers whilst the brave Italian Forces try to hold out.
If you want more information on the Campaign I have set up a separate page which is updated regularly with updates on rules along with links to all the previous games,
The games are based on an excellent book by Robert Avery which is available from The Toofatlardies, there is a direct link to purchase the book on the Resource Page.
We use 28mm figures with this scenario taking place on an 8 x 6 table using a home brew set of rules, based on Iron Ivans Disposable Hero's.
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Desert Rats advancing into the Fort |
Our last game was set on the morning of the 9th December 1940 in the Fort of Nibeiwa, this game is set on the afternoon of the same day just down the road (ok track) at the Fort of Tummar West.
This was to be a simultaneous attack with a similar adventure down at Tummar East, Infantry would lead the attack, supported by the Matildas of 7 RTR who were rushing (If a Matilda can rush) over from Nibeiwa.
The attack was lead by the New Zealanders of the No4 Reserve Motor Transport Company, instead of dropping off their Infantry cargo at the standard 500 yards from the target they raced forwards to within 150 yards and having stolen bayonets from the Infantry Bren Gun Teams they yelled "Come on you Pommie Bastards" abandoned their trucks and raced headlong into the Italian Defences.
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Kiwi Truckers to the Fore |
Table Set Up and Terrain
Above is a picture of the table used for the game, as in the previous match up I have only used 8 x 6 of our avaliable space. Everything is as you see it, the road is just a track and gives no movement bonus.
The crates are Ammo Dumps
The following Special Rules are in force,
Kiwi Truckers
The 2 sections will not have an activation card in the deck but will always activate first, after the Ammo Dumps have been rolled for and before the first card is turned. They are not subject to morale tests.
Ammo Dumps
These rules also apply to buildings however they can only be set alight during the initial Artillery Barrage (see British Briefing below).
When stuck by Artillery or Mortar Fire an Ammo Dump will set on fire and have a chance of further explosions.
As soon as fire is set and once at the start of every turn follow the following procedure,
1. Roll 2d6 one plus and one minus, any minus and the wind direction changes (on the first turn of the fire ignore this), then roll 1d12 and 1d6 to indicate smoke direction from the fire the d12 indicates the clock direction and the d6 the number of 60 x 50mm smoke markers. So a roll of 7 and 4 would mean 4 markers at 7 o'clock from the dump. The dumps will burn all game once lit.
2. Roll 2d6 one plus and one minus, on any minus an additional explosion has occurred, roll 1 d 12 and a random direction indicator (the Spin for It App is ideal), the d12 is the distance in inches. At that location place a standard Mortar round and calculate any casualties as normal or if you are really good, set another Ammo Dump off ! Any double rolled on the initial pair of dice mean the explosions have stopped (the fire and smoke continues).
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Ammo Dumps burn and beltch fire ! |
As in your previous game your brief is simple, clear all the active resistance from the Fort whilst minimising your losses.
Your Forces are as follows, all arrive anywhere on the far edge of the table as shown in the photo,
Kiwi Truckers - 2 x 8 man Sections no LMG (the Kiwis are immune to all morale checks and are removed when they reach one remaining figure)
2 Companies of Infantry each with
1 HQ of 3 Figs, Officer, Radio Op and Sgt
3 Units of 10 men each with 1 Sgt with SMG, 2 man Bren Team and 7 Rifles
After turn 5 place the British Reinforcements card into the deck and roll 1d4 on its first appearance, that is the number of turns until the following arrive,
1 x Troop 7RTR 3 x Matilda Tanks (I used a rogue Valentine for a change)
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Bren Carriers Charge ! |
2 x HMG and crew each in a Bren Carrier
4 x Bren Carrier each with 1 x 8 man Punjabi Infantry Squad of 1 Sgt with SMG and 7 Rifles. I know 8 men is a squeeze in a Bren but I haven't got any more !
Italian Briefing
Once again you are faced with an onslaught of seemingly unstoppable Infantry and Tanks (although you still can't quite believe how slow those tanks are !), smoke and flame is all around, hang on as long as you can.
The Italians have a secret set up, I marked each building with a letter and put 3 letters along each of the trenches, each one can hold either 2 support weapons or 1 support weapon and a section of Infantry. Normal spotting rules apply.
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Italian Mortar lays down fire |
Italian Forces are
2 x HQ with Officer and Radio Operator
3 x Rifle Sections with 1 Sgt with SMG and 10 Rifles
3 LMG Sections with 1 Sgt, 2 3 man LMG teams and 2 Rifles
2 x HMG with 3 crew
1 x Medium Mortar with 3 crew
1 x Light Mortar with 2 crew
2 x 75mm Field Gun with 4 crew
2 x 47mm Anti Tank Gun with 3 crew
1 x Anti Tank Rifle with 2 crew
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Italian LMG Section defend a building |
Once the Italians have set up randomly select 4 buildings and or Ammo Dumps and these are declared as being destroyed by the strike, any troops in those buildings are lost. The areas hit will now be subject to the Ammo Dump rules above (note this is the only time in this game that buildings will set ablaze).
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The initial Artillery Barrage causes chaos |
Those of you who are following the campaign will be aware of the streak of poor luck the Italians are currently suffering. This would prove to be the case once again. Table Set Up ready to go, in comes the Artillery Barrage..... and takes out the Italian HQ in turn 1 !
The British decided to push all their troops along the left side (as viewed in the set up photo) using the small walled area and then the tented area for a bit of cover.
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Charge ! |
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Fat Badger is so fat he gets stuck. |
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Allies advance, Kiwis to the fore |
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British Infantry working hard to push through the centre of the fort |
As in the real battle, the arrival of the Bren mounted Infantry swung the balance of the game in favour of the Allies, the commander taking full advantage of the high speed of the Brens to get the reinforcements to the right place quickly.
The last of the Italian Forces fell back on one of the trenches and stood ready for a final stand, things went well initially as a British section charged the southern end of the trench and was seen off with a bloody nose. However with concentrated fire the last of the ranged Italian Weapons was silenced leaving them with only Rifle armed troops. As the British had the ability to stand off with their HMGs and Lt Mortars we declared that the remaining Italians surrendered ending the game.
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Allied Casualties Top, Italian bottom |
Losses Allied 36 Infantry
Losses Italian 39 Infanty plus 9 Support Weapons and crews
Result wise I have declared this as a draw, 2pts each , yes the British took the Fort but let's be honest there isn't any other possible outcome, the 36 Infantry losses for the Allies was by far the highest of the Campaign so far (they lost two in one game !)
So 5 games in the British lead 13 points to 7. Game 6, due early 2019, will be a bit of a change as we see a clash of forces in the open as they manoeuvre around the forts.
DE: Black Heart Kabal With Alaitoc Allies
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Eldar brings the pain. |
With the new book coming over very soon and with my experience with it so far, I've decided to visit some old comrades of mine to see how they can benefit us to the fullest. One thing's for damn sure: Our cost savings have been huge and Black Heart Kabal has been absolutely fantastic for me.
To give you guys an idea how kick-ass Black Heart has been, last night I must have saved at least 15 or so wounds from rolling those 6+++ on my vehicles over the course of THREE turns. I also started with 5 CPs since I was trying a hybrid Wych build and taking extra Relics and Warlord traits, but ended the game on T3 with 4 CPs AFTER casting a counterspell and multiple Cunning rolls on all the Strategems that were being thrown out.
I stand by firmly what I said before: Kabal of the Black Heart is the best Kabal. It's just too flexible and gives you a fantastic amount of protection for free. The Wych Cult that I brought yesterday was also freaking insane. I had a unit of Wyches with the Succubus in a Raider and the Succubus herself with the Whip and Blood Dancer threw out 14 freaking attacks (6s to hit turn into 3 hits!). Check out the article from yesterday to get some better insight into my thought process there. Sure, my friend had SS Termies eating all those Agonizer wounds (I think 9 or so) and saved like a boss, but if they were any single-wound model, she would have annihilated everyone. That felt awesome.. especially since you can look at her cost and just shake your head how cost-effective that is (she's 54 points).
With that said, I've been having a blast with Dark Eldar so far. They feel like they're in a good place so how do we turn it up a notch? Well for one, we should look to our nearest kin who is CW Eldar. Harlequins is right around the corner and there might be some good synergy there, but let's first look at what Psykers can bring to our army.
Here's the list:
1999 // 7 CP
Black Heart Battalion +3 CP
Archon, Agonizer, Blaster, PGL = 94
Cunning, Living Muse
Archon, Agonizer, Blaster, PGL = 94
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
Black Heart Spearhead +1 CP
Archon, Blaster, PGL = 92
Ravager, 3x Disintegrators = 125
Ravager, 3x Disintegrators = 125
Ravager, 3x Disintegrators = 125
Raider, Dark Lance = 85
Raider, Dark Lance = 85
Raider, Dark Lance = 85
Raider, Dark Lance = 85
Alaitoc Patrol +0 CP
Farseer Skyrunner = 135
Doom, Mind War
5x Rangers = 60
Hemlock Wraithfighter = 210
Hemlock Wraithfighter = 210
9 Disintegrators at BS3+
6 Dark Lances at BS3+
7 Blasters at BS3+
3 Blaster at BS2+
26 Splinter Rifles at BS3+
4 Heavy D-Scythes at Auto
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Yes, I was always an Alaitoc player. Said no Eldar ever. |
Here's what the Alaitoc Patrol offers:
- Hemlocks - These things are insane with the -2 to Hit from Alaitoc and their auto-hitting S12 AP-4 D2 damage weapons. Not to mention they can Smite, have Jinx and have built-in Spirit Stones. Let's also not forget that they debuff leadership within 12" of them and that works very nicely with our sped up PFP table thanks to Black Heart, PGLs and Mind War.
- Doomseer - This is damage consistency at its best. The Skyrunner gives you movement to keep up with our army and Doom is arguably one of the best spells in the game. It drastically increases the killing potential of all of your units on a single target and works perfectly with Disintegrators due to needing 5s in some cases vs. heavier armored targets. This works very nicely in conjunction with Jinx because you're just increasing damage so much higher, turning Dissies into AP-4 in most cases vs. 2+ armor or removing that cover save bonus.
- Mind War - With leadership debuffs, you can actually get this off pretty reliably and kill key targets before they ever get a chance to hit your lines. When you have the right kinds of debuffs, this becomes a much more reliable Smite that can seriously threaten even the most daunting of foes i.e. Magnus.
- Psychic Protection - Let's not forget that the Farseer can dispel twice a turn and so can the Hemlocks. Enough said there I think.
Sure, I lose firepower overall, but I also gain Heavy D-Scythes that are utterly ridiculous in their own right. I also gain the ability to turn up the damage big time on key targets when I want to and that cannot be underestimated. What do you guys think? Is this more powerful than pure Kabal?
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