[Kingston upon Thames Freegle] Volunteer Opportunity Roundup

Charities, community organisations and good causes are welcome to ask our lovely freeglers for volunteers. If you'd like to add one, click here.

Freegle Photoshop Wizard
Occasionally Freegle needs professional-level graphics wizardry. For example, right now we have a Welsh translation for the poster at https://www.ilovefreegle.org/spread, and we need someone to modify the existing poster and lay it out nicely and clearly. We could have a bash at it, and we'd probably do something which looked ok, but we want something which looks lovely.

If you do this kind of thing a lot, and you fancy helping us out so that we can get more people freegling more often, drop us a line.
Time commitment: An hour a week
Contact details:

Improve Freegle's emails
Freegle sends lots of emails. We would like to make them better - more engaging, more attractive, more useful, look good on more different devices. We don't want to radically change everything, because a lot of freeglers won't like that, but there is a lot that could be done to improve them.

So we're looking for a volunteer with a design flair and actual experience in designing emails (specifically emails, not only websites). To make it easier for us to work out whether you're the right person, please share something with us that you've done elsewhere.

Technical details: we generate most of our mails from MJML (https://mjml.io/), and we would prefer to stick with this, though you might be able to persuade us otherwise. We take the HTML produced by MJML and use it as a twig template from PHP code. You'll need to know what most of these words mean, though we'll do the code.
Time commitment: A few days, probably over a couple of months
Jobs near you
If you click through to view these then it will raise a little to help keep Freegle running and free to use.
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Freegle is registered as a charity with HMRC (ref. XT32865) and is run by volunteers. Which is nice.

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